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CERN PhotoLab / Experiments and Tracks CERN-EX-0808022

View of the CMS Detector before closure
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Thumbnail CERN-EX-0808022 tirage 01
CERN-EX-0808022 01
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Thumbnail CERN-EX-0808022 tirage 03
CERN-EX-0808022 03
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Thumbnail CERN-EX-0808022 tirage 04
CERN-EX-0808022 04
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Thumbnail CERN-EX-0808022 tirage 05
CERN-EX-0808022 05
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Thumbnail CERN-EX-0808022 tirage 06
CERN-EX-0808022 06
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Thumbnail CERN-EX-0808022 tirage 07
CERN-EX-0808022 07
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Thumbnail CERN-EX-0808022 tirage 08
CERN-EX-0808022 08
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Thumbnail CERN-EX-0808022 tirage 09
CERN-EX-0808022 09
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Thumbnail CERN-EX-0808022 tirage 10
CERN-EX-0808022 10
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Thumbnail CERN-EX-0808022 tirage 11
CERN-EX-0808022 11
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CERN-EX-0808022 12
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Thumbnail CERN-EX-0808022 tirage 13
CERN-EX-0808022 13
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Photograph: Maximilien Brice; Michael Hoch; Joseph Gobin
Date: 17 Aug 2008
Keywords: CMS; Cavern; Detector; Magnet


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