Heart & Brain Respond to Future Events Before They Happen

Yes, you read that correctly, the heart and the brain responding to future events before they happen. It is called “Precognition”. Multiple experiments have been done with strong evidence to show that precognition is real. There are many examples suggesting that precognition is real.  A program called “remove viewing” is… Continue reading

Getting Married? Here are 4 Important Life Skills to know before you do it.

Many of us have met a special someone and it’s the special person you get along with. Because it’s so special you both decide to get married, but it’s not so simple as everyone makes it look,  it takes a lot of effort and hard work from both of you.… Continue reading

The “1 Billion Dollar Habit” Can you guess it?

Imagine this. Imagine you have a thought experiment, where you did this every single day, at your willingness. What if the only thing in your life tomorrow is the thing you would express gratitude for today? What if the only things in your life you had, the people, the opportunities,… Continue reading

Can You be Born Without a Soul?

 Understanding what a Soul is, it’s one of the most essential and fundamental tasks on a spiritual path. The Soul is the true nature of who you really are, the immaterial essence and the energy you carry around with you in an invisible manner. A psychologist and shamanic teacher “… Continue reading

The Antidote to Your Dissatisfaction

Almost everybody experiences that things are not as they should be. That your relationship is not satisfying you, that you’re not successful enough or even that you don’t have the things you want or crave. This type of dissatisfaction makes you look inwards with disappointment about yourself, and outwards with… Continue reading

Do You Have a “High” or “Low Vibration”?

Have you ever heard people saying: “He has a really negative vibe,” “That place had AMAZING energy,” “She’s so energetic.” But haven’t given much thought on it after. We can sense all the energy around us, we can sense a hype person, a very calm one or a neutral one.… Continue reading

3 Pieces of Timeless Spiritual Wisdom to Help You Get Through the Day

What are the most loving, wisest and well-rounded people you’ve ever met? They’re likely to be those who have known defeat, misery, and heartbreak of losing someone or something they loved, and have found their way out of the depth of their misery and despair. These types of people have… Continue reading

17 Inspirational and Spiritual Quotes That Will Make Your Life Better IF Understood

  In this article, we’ve selected 17 inspirational and powerful quotes that we thought will brighten your life. They are surely deep and it takes a minute to sink in to fully realize them.   Never forget that you are what you eat, you are who you’re surrounding yourself with, and you… Continue reading

Always Trust in Your Self & Your Creativity

One of the most important things people need to grasp and understand is that their instinct is more powerful than they are let know it is. This is our message to share. Always Trust Your Self. All the schools and universities are trying to teach creativity, that’s the great thing… Continue reading

4 Things Easy to Do That Will Make You Happier

1. Exercise more –7 minutes might be enough.          You might have seen this  study mentioned in the New York Times. It is an excellent study with excellent data that makes you reconsider not working out. If you think you don’t have time, you’ll make time after you read it. Exercise… Continue reading

How the Universe Impacts the Human Mindset?

The whole universe we live in is created and based on vibrating energy. All around us, there are countless matters and objects carrying a certain vibration along, some more impactful than others. Knowing that our universe is based on higher energy and vibration has allowed scientists to come to a… Continue reading