9 Spiritual Lessons – Find Enlightenment

1. Your body is a Physical Vessel, but you are more than the vessel   You choose this life, this physical vessel you are in now, and the journey you are taking.   Because you’ve made life choices before birth, the part of your souls has made those decisions that we cannot… Continue reading

The Life and Journey of Souls

Before we jump into some difficult concepts, we should first be on the same page and explain what we mean when we say “Souls.”  For most of us, the Soul is our spirit, our true selves, our energy, and the part of us that goes on after death.  But, the… Continue reading

7 Warning Signs from the Universe.

“Through our eyes, the Universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the Universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witness through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.” – Alan Watts The universe is always talking to us, the Divine flows within and without… Continue reading


“The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.”–Jack London- You are probably unaware that you’re wasting your time, it can go on and on without knowing until one day you suddenly… Continue reading

4 Toxic Behaviors That are Making you Unhappy (and you didn’t realize it)

We all have a common goal, to be Happy. We all deserve to be happy, but most of us are not and we start developing toxic behaviors that we don’t even know we do it until we realize it. If you are not happy you simply can’t be healthy mentally,… Continue reading

5 Signs You Are An Old Soul

What exactly is an Old Soul?  Being an old Soul is different and difficult, as you are not on this earth for greed, comparison, quantity, lust or competition.  You are here to find peace, wisdom, deepness, love, solitary and empathy. “Old Souls are usually childlike in many ways, having the… Continue reading

The Darkest Night Of Your Soul

Your Soul will experience at one point it’s the darkest night, there are at least 7 signs of it to be aware of. There will come a time in your life when you will experience the so-called “ Dark Night of the Soul “ you will feel your existential crisis… Continue reading

Can You be Born Without a Soul?

 Understanding what a Soul is, it’s one of the most essential and fundamental tasks on a spiritual path. The Soul is the true nature of who you really are, the immaterial essence and the energy you carry around with you in an invisible manner. A psychologist and shamanic teacher “… Continue reading

The Egg (Life After Death, Short Story)

short afterlife story

You were on your way home when you died. It was a car accident. Nothing particularly remarkable, but fatal nonetheless. You left behind a wife and two children. It was a painless death.  The EMTs tried their best to save you, but to no avail. Your body was so utterly… Continue reading

4 Sound Healing Instruments That Raise Your Energy and Vibrations

“For most of us, there is only the unattended  Moment, the moment in and out of time,  The distraction fit lost in a shaft of sunlight,  The wild thyme unseen, or the winter lightning  Or the waterfall, or music heard so deeply  That it is not heard at all, but… Continue reading

Does Life Have a Purpose?

What do you think the purpose of life is? Does life really need to have a purpose? Couldn’t it be purposeless? We are all looking for the meaning or purpose of life or the meaning of the universe, why are we looking for meaning in anything? Do we really need… Continue reading

17 Inspirational and Spiritual Quotes That Will Make Your Life Better IF Understood

  In this article, we’ve selected 17 inspirational and powerful quotes that we thought will brighten your life. They are surely deep and it takes a minute to sink in to fully realize them.   Never forget that you are what you eat, you are who you’re surrounding yourself with, and you… Continue reading

Always Trust in Your Self & Your Creativity

One of the most important things people need to grasp and understand is that their instinct is more powerful than they are let know it is. This is our message to share. Always Trust Your Self. All the schools and universities are trying to teach creativity, that’s the great thing… Continue reading

4 Things Easy to Do That Will Make You Happier

1. Exercise more –7 minutes might be enough.          You might have seen this  study mentioned in the New York Times. It is an excellent study with excellent data that makes you reconsider not working out. If you think you don’t have time, you’ll make time after you read it. Exercise… Continue reading

CONSCIOUSNESS: My Reality Part.1

This is part of my life story; I will go into as many details as possible but most importantly I want to talk about more of my own realization of consciousness and what I actually think and relate to. What you are about to read next is part of me,… Continue reading