How to Relax Your Mind in a few Simple Steps-Self-Help & Meditation

Buddhists use the phrase “Monkey Mind” to describe the unrestrained mind.   Meditation is a tool for going within and achieving peace.    Successful meditation demands the ability to quiet the intrusive thoughts.   Use the following steps to control your thoughts. It will silence the brain noise and help you find internal… Continue reading

Throat Chakra Healing

Throat Chakra is known for the seed of self-expression, of being yourself, of being natural. But sometimes it needs healing.  It sits on the throat, neck, and shoulder area, and it’s the fifth chakra going up.  If you’ve been the kind of person who speaks his truth, speaks his mind,… Continue reading

Highly Intuitive People do These 5 things Differently than all the rest of us.

“Even when we’re not at a fork in the road, wondering what to do and trying to hear that inner voice, our intuition is always there, always reading the situation, always trying to steer us the right way. But can we hear it? Are we paying attention? Are we living… Continue reading

5 Things to do at Night for a better Morning

Everything we are going to discuss in this article will mainly revolve around the concept of “Decision Fatigue” Roy F. Baumeister gave this term.  He says that “Decision Fatigue is the decline in the quality of decisions that are made by a person after many decisions have been made in… Continue reading

6 Things You Should Give Up to be Happy

Here’s a list of 6 things that would make your life much happier and easier if you let go of those things that hold you back.  So many things we hold on to that cause us a great deal of pain, suffering, and stress, don’t hold onto those that don’t… Continue reading

7 Ways to Better Listen to Your Intuition

As we spoke before, we have all got that “Gut Feeling” that tells you one thing but your rational mind just says “ no it can’t be “ but in the end, you were better off listening to your gut feeling, good chance you ended up regretting you didn’t listen… Continue reading

7 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

The energy in its essence its vibration. All your thoughts and feelings are energy. Learn how to master and raise those vibrations and watch how your life changes dramatically. 1. Find Beauty and Appreciate it Most people go through life without noticing all the beautiful things around them, beauty is… Continue reading

7 Quick Theories on Life After Death

We all believe in something. Regardless of what we believe in other people will always have a different belief than ours. As we’ve stated many times before.  Your Life, you are the sum of your experiences, where you grew up, everything that happened to you so far made you the… Continue reading

Mind-Blowing – Mind-Body Connection-“The IceMan” Method

You might never hear of this method before, but it is possible to consciously control your body, your immune system, and inflammation to bacteria, even exposure to extreme cold.  Dutch World Record holder Wim Hof who’s famous for his ability to resist cold. He was commonly nicknamed “The Iceman” for… Continue reading

Get High Without Drugs or Plants, 5 Ways How-To

People loved getting high since the beginning of time, with anything they could get their hands on, booze, peyote, orgasms, shrooms, anything to alter their consciousness and feel amazing.  Now-days we just want to up our dopamine and serotonin and it’s very easy to do so with drugs, but those… Continue reading

7 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do

Anyone can become mentally strong, it just depends on the person, also don’t judge the book by its cover, some very interesting people I’ve met were strong-willed, mentally strong and I wouldn’t have guessed in a million years, only after I’ve started talking to them I found out a lot… Continue reading

How to Discover Your Spirit Animal?

You might have wondered or heard about your spirit animal, perhaps you didn’t know you can discover it yet. But you can inner discover your spirit animal, you need to do what most people don’t these days.  After some research, I have come up with my own ways to discover… Continue reading

Learn How to Control Your Conscious Mind

One of the firsts things you learn when you go to a monastery is to learn how the mind works. Because once you learn that, you can control it, and once you can control your mind you can FOCUS. You cannot focus or concentrate on something you don’t understand. That’s… Continue reading

Mystical Experience and 6 Characteristics of it

Mystical experience is something we all experience differently and at different intensity’s It’s something most people can no describe in words the beauty of it, but it’s the moment when you make a connection with the universe and feel that life is full of beauty and sacredness. In ancient time… Continue reading

How to improve your psychic powers?

Improving your psychic powers can be a delicate thing to do, but it can become a useful asset to help you in your everyday life. There are numerous tricks and ways to help you develop your abilities, but you need to make sure that you are fully devoted to these… Continue reading

Shifting Towards Higher Consciousness

By: Michael Pinello We are at such a vital point of the human evolutionary timeline here in 2014. We are literally beginning to see a massive transformation on the planet that is dissolving our old ways of thinking and being into a pure state of constant flowing change. Many of… Continue reading

The Pineal Gland: Our Connection to the Cosmos


Although living in the third dimension limits our ability to a certain extent, each one of us is equipped with an infinitely powerful cosmic antenna in the center of our brain. This is called the Pineal gland or “third eye” and it allows us to directly connect to the spirits… Continue reading