Disturbing Pictures Expose Everything Wrong With Society

*Some of these photos may disturb some viewers. Proceed with discretion. The photos you are about to see may be disturbing, but they accurately represent exactly what is going on in our modern society.  Sometimes, the truth doesn’t always feel good to see, but it’s important for us to acknowledge… Continue reading

5 Ways for Empaths to Shield Themselves from Negativity

Empaths have been subjected to misinterpretation by people in the past. Nowadays, beginning to understand an empathy is still a difficult task for some, therefore we would like to offer more help. What is more, empaths are also having trouble with grasping the true concept of their state and believe… Continue reading

Ex-Bishop Claims Hell Was Invented By Church: Is This True?

Did the church invent the idea of Hell to control people with fear? An ex-bishop named John Spong says so.  He is an ex-bishop of over 30 years who claims who was held a position at Harvard’s Divinity School.  He claims that it was a control-tactic of the early church… Continue reading

Here Is A Timeline Of What Happens To Your Body When You Quit Smoking

Originally seen on SimpleOrganicLife| If you’re smoking a cigarette right now, I have good news for you: if you don’t ever pick one up again, your body will go through amazing transformations within minutes of finishing your last one. We all know the negative health effects of smoking cigarettes, but what… Continue reading

What Vegetarians And Vegans Need To Know About Protein

Vegetarian and vegan diets are the most ethical diets possible.  They are also the most environmentally friendly choices a human could possibly make.  But there is a lot of misinformation and ignorance surrounding vegan and vegetarian diets, especially when it comes to protein consumption. For vegetarians, and vegans especially, there… Continue reading

Complacency is Insanity

Aaron R. Ziegler & Scott McNinch People often say that ignorance is bliss, and knowledge is power. This notion seems to be perpetuated through internet memes and philosophical rhetoric, oftentimes by the same people who repudiate biblical literature. Irony much? Ignorance does not unequivocally equate to some form of universal… Continue reading

How To Build a 400 Square Foot Solar Powered Off-Grid Cabin for $2,000

Everybody talks about want to create a more simple, stress-free lifestyle for themselves.  Well how does no debt, no mortgage, hardly any maintenance, a pocket full of cash, and a closer relationship with nature sound?  Check this out. Solar powered housing, a garden that produces your fruits and vegetables, and… Continue reading

I Feel Therefore I Am

You want to know what Love really is? Love is caring about someone despite their quirks, their eccentricities, their moments, their faults. Love is caring about someone despite the little things that get under your skin. Love is not the condition in which you care about someone because of their… Continue reading