Scientific Study Shows Gratitude Treats Heart Failure

By Amateo Ra| A recent study conducted by the American Psychological Association puts those suffering with asymptomatic heart failure from heart attacks to a spiritual test. What would happen if people with heart problems starting practicing gratitude?  The results were astonishing… The study was conducted with 186 people, all of whom had… Continue reading

A War On Consciousness – Graham Hancock Banned TED Talk

In January of 2013, British author and researcher Graham Hancock presented to a TEDx audience a summary (titled “The War on Consciousness”) of his various investigative work into the historical origins of human consciousness, with key insights addressed along with his own personal experiences. Hancock makes a contrast between the… Continue reading

The Ultimate Anti-Cancer Juice – Prevention Starts HERE!

Prevention starts HERE! This green juice is the most alkalizing juice around, and cancer can literally not exist is an alkalized environment.  If your body is in an acidic state, you can be sure this juice will bring the body back into a state of balance.  It’s filled with minerals,… Continue reading