Geminids Meteor Shower 2017 – Where, When And How To Enjoy It

One of the greatest sky shows in our solar system is happening tonight, over Earth. The Geminid meteor shower can be seen from December 4–16 The Geminids meteor shower will be visible from Earth over the night. If you step outside tonight, you will be amazed by the shooting stars and what… Continue reading

3 Warning Signs You Are In A Toxic Relationship

There are tons of relationships these days that are completely toxic.  There are many relationships that end that were non-toxic, and some which continue to perpetuate year after year even though they are completely harmful and destructive to both people involved. I’m not only talking about relationships that involve verbal/emotional abuse and… Continue reading

10 Steps to Enlightenment

Are you trying to attain a higher state of mind? Are you searching for the secret that unlocks the best you there is to be? If so, here are 10 steps that will help you on your journey towards self realization. 1.) Realize you are not your thoughts. Are you… Continue reading

STEM: Zero Point Energy Anti-Gravity Centrifuge Engine

STEM Abstract: Galaxies, Solar Systems, Celestial Bodies are all Centrifuges of Nature, Naturally Occurring Gravity Powered Perpetual Motion Centrifuges. E=M/0[2] In our Universe. Galaxies, Solar Systems, Celestial Bodies are all naturally occurring gravity powered perpetual motion centrifuges applicable as in nature so through reverse-engineering nature, wonders of technology are invented… Continue reading

Zenarchism: Quantum Chaos Theory

Zenarchism: Quantum Chaos Theory Quantum Hypothesis: Chaos Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Chaos Theory; The Human Problem of the Existential Equation solved by the Divine Solution. Zenarchism: Zenarchist Quantum Chaos Theory in application to create the ideal self and the ideal society. Consciousness is sentient energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed; only… Continue reading

20 Strangers Were Asked To Kiss On Camera – The Results Are Beautiful

As an experiment, 20 strangers who had never met before were asked to kiss each other for the first time on camera.  What happened reveals a lot about human interaction and the nature of intimacy.

It was interesting to see some of their energy fields completely change after kissing their partner.  Talk about the ultimate ice breaker!  What do you think about this?

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