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Our Hologram Universe is Very Real, New Study Suggests

Oh, the never-ending topic of holograms!

Although this has been a discussion point among many experts, it looks as though new study-based evidence can clearly confirm that we, indeed, live in a hologram-like universe.

The physical world, based on 3D perceptions, is nothing but a mere illusion and now there is enough proof to back this statement. The entire universe is composed in, what is called a 3-D projection, and all this comes down to the sole concept of holograms.

What is more, scientific information and research have managed to finally prove that the universe is a projection in the shape of a hologram, a conclusion which left many puzzled.

The only way we can actually explain the physical world we live in is if we begin to think of our world as nothing short of a holographic terrain, instead of a playground where only objects exist.

According to a study conducted by Nature, the universe is one giant reflection which works based on simulations. In their paper, the study elaborates on theoretical physicist Juan Maldacena, who in 1997 introduced an outlook of the Universe where gravity stems from vibrating strings.

In mathematics, these strings exist in a total of nine dimensions of space and one dimension of time. This is how a hologram is formed. According to this, the out-of-space world has no gravity, therefore is not a hologram, unlike our physical world as we know it.

What Maldacena was trying to say is that the speculations regarding the theory of strings on solid footing are actually true. This will also confirm Einstein’s theory of gravity, which has been long disputed in terms of consistency and viability.

Finally, thanks to this conception, physicists were introduced to a mathematical Rosetta stone, which later enabled them to resolve issues in many related fields.

In fact, it was Yoshifumi Hyakutake of Ibaraki University in Japan and his team who found just enough evidence to confirm that Maldacena’s concept is truthful and legitimate.

In excerpts of the study, Hyakutake manages to calculate the black hole, its distance from our planet and its entropy.

He also computed the virtual particles speed, as well as the internal energy of the lower-dimensional and gravity-free universe. And what is most shocking of all, the calculations match the actual records.

Maldacena recalls he made a strong and correct judgment.

It all basically comes down to this: the world we know is presented to us as such via microscopic vibrating strings. The main activity is settled in the real world, but we don’t get to see it.

We only see this physical world, replicated to us cleverly. Brian Greene, who is a writing contributor at Discover Magazine explains that by the way the black hole is positioned, our world is just an image of the actual world, and we are missing out in a lot.

We are actually living in shadows of what seems to be real.

And if you have seen the Matrix, you know that everything in our world is commutated and pre-calculated. This is further elaborated in detail by Professor Nick Bostrom, who teaches philosophy at the University of Oxford. He suggests that we are enslaved by computer simulation and suggestion.

As a result, we only create a portion of the actual world.

Computer simulation has managed to overpower humankind unlike anything ever did, and it is triumphing greatly.

We have trapped ourselves in a virtual world, only innocently resembling the actual world.
Thankfully, studies of this sort will be able to educate us further on our basic existence.

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