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Heaven is a Heartbeat Away

Beyond all our ideas of race, sex, and gender

There is a paradise, I’ll be meeting you all there

A paradise for you and me, for all in unity

A place for everyone where the divine meets humanity

How do we get there, one must set aside, the us versus them mentality

For there is no greater beauty than one planet, One nation,

one race, one family, to command our new world order from our elevated heavenly station,

Follow me, I’ll take you all home

Follow me, I’ll take you all home

Complete oneself with the beauty of the sublime upon examining oneself, Heaven is the love that brings us closer together that illuminates life, Hell is only the distance one is lost in the dark, let the fire of one’s heart blaze as passions for greatness, let one’s heart be warmed by the kindling of the promethean flame of absolute truth, the reality that the greatest of divine gifts is to be alive, one must love the past, future, and present moment, one must love life eternally. Amor Fati, always love one’s fate. For that we never perish but simply pass through the gate.

We are all of the same divine human soul, the oneness is found in one and all, each of us is an aspect of the human soul representing ourselves in a world among worlds.

I see you all gathered around me, the beauteous majesty, the amassing of our aspects of the eternal oneness throughout many worlds, When I ask you to follow me, I ask that you not walk in front or behind me, but beside me, for we are more than mere friends, we are family, let the light of our love shine eternally, may the love of our unity never end. Being among you my long lost family brings a tear to my eye, Where have you gone? How have you been? Were you lost? Are you cold, hungry, and tired? Here’s our warmest blanket, here’s a homecooked meal, stay awhile, as we feast, let us commune in community.

I promise you I’ll never leave you, I’ll always love you, There is nothing of worry anymore, anxiety comes from the decision to cross the bridge, take small steps like a beloved child learning to walk. Are you feeling sadness? I’m always here my beloved, let your tears fill the dry riverbed, may the waters of emotion create a river of your expression. Don’t you worry your perfect heart, mind, and soul for all troubles are under control, trouble has gone to a world we will never know, this happened while you slept during the darkest night of sorrow to awaken at the breaking of dawn to a radiant tomorrow, I’m always here for you through better or worse, forever in all the realms and realities of the spiritual universe.

We are all born sublime, our purpose is divine, our unity will be universal, I promise our prosperity will happen in a matter of time.

Beyond all our ideas of religion, politics, and philosophy,

There is a paradise, I’ll be meeting you all there,

A paradise for you and me, for all in unity,

A place for everyone where the divine meets humanity,

How do we get there, one must set aside, the us versus them mentality,

For there is no greater beauty than one planet, one nation,

one race, one family, to command our new world order from our elevated heavenly station,

Follow me, I’ll take you all home

Follow me, I’ll take you all home

Paradise was never lost, Paradise was yet to be found,

Welcome home my family, Paradise is now.

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