Wouldn’t it be great if, instead of you just struggling through life, relying solely on luck and chance, you could actually tap into your inner powers and the universal energies, which would give you access to all the things that you desire in life.
This is what cosmic ordering is all about, it’s a universal law and guidance system, which allows you to put your own destiny in your hands and control.
Cosmic ordering is not a new thing to you, it is something that you were born with and something that you used to apply naturally when you were a young child.
But over the years, it is a process that you have slowly lost, forgotten and abandoned as you have allowed logic and your conditioning too control your thinking and beliefs systems.
As a young child, you allowed your imagination, to work in a way it was designed for, to dream and create.
You would imagine and role play, what you wanted to be, your dream career, when you were older, over and over again.

At christmas, you would, write a list of all the things that you wanted, then you would get all excited about it, and you would, let it happen naturally, without trying too hard, or without trying to make it happen.
Let’s say, you wanted a brand new bike, you would write it down or tell your parents, then you would imagine yourself, riding your new bike, and those feel good, creating emotions would kick in as your positive expectancy grew.
You wouldn’t doubt it coming, or constantly question, if it was coming, you would just know, then you would get more and more excited, as christmas, drew nearer and nearer.
This is the basic concept of cosmic ordering, but sadly as we grow up, we turn our all powerful imagination against us, as we use it to imagine everything going wrong, and we imagine more of what we don’t want, rather than what we do want.
What was once an automatic process for us, becomes obsolete, as we allow, what we perceive as being normal, to become our way of life, and our inner powers, become nothing more than a thing that fairy tales are made of.
Awaken the hidden Genie Within
We all have to ability to access the hidden genie within us, once we can put aside our logical ways of thinking, and we can enter the concept of cosmic ordering, without any preconceived judgments.
We are all connected to the universal creative forces and intelligence. The universe could be compared to a car’s satellite guidance system.
This digital device which is connected by satellite, when you type in the required information, it will pinpoint your position and give you step by step directions to guide you to your destination.
These, satellite navigation system, are connected to a database and a higher network of information, and they basically do all the hard work for you.
You still have to do the physical work, which is driving and steering your car, but the how bit, is taken care for you, so all you have to do is, just focus on, and enjoy the journey.
You cannot see, the invisible energy and signals, that connects the satellite device, to the whole network, but you know it exists.
What has this got to do with, cosmic ordering and manifesting the things and life that you desire?
Well, the universe operates in a similar way, you give it your instructions, which is the things that you want.
Then you allow the universe, to do the how bit for you, and as long as you believe and trust in the process, and as long as you’re in emotional alignment with, what is wanted, then the universe will guide you and assist you to your final destination or desire.
Usually, there will be some action work required by you, all you have to do is, listen to and follow, the universal guidance and help, and then take immediate action, when it is required.
Then all you have to do is, just enjoy the journey, with a positive expectancy and a deep down knowing and undoubting certainty, that what you want, will show up in your experience, at some point.
The universe is always trying to help and guide us, but most people are, simply not tuned into it, so they do not spot, recognize or take action with the universal help, guidance, information, or the opportunities that are presented to them.
If you decide to have a go at cosmic ordering. Treat it a bit like you do when you order something from Amazon for instance.
You type in what you want, you place your order and you expect it to be delivered, without questioning or doubting, will it turn up, you just know, so you basically, forget about it, and let it happen.

The emotional work comes before the manifestation
Although the action work is important as the universe cannot do the physical work for you, the emotional work is equally as important, because before you can have it or experience it, you have to feel it. It is important that you begin to pull the things that you want towards you instead of pushing against what you want all the time.Don’t be bound by your beliefs and your previous experiences and conditioning. Your emotions will let you know whether you’re moving towards what you want you what you don’t want.
It is a quite simple philosophy, if you feel bad, then this generally means you’re either thinking about what is not wanted, or you’re allowing something in your outside experience to upset you or determine how you feel.
Practice focusing on what is wanted instead of not wanted. Sort out, deal with, or let go with things that make you feel bad or miserable.
Learn to become consciously aware and mindful of your thoughts and feelings, so you can guide yourself to joy, happiness and emotional wellness, because your reality is a reflection of your thoughts and feelings
When you make up your mind about something it becomes part of your experience, so make every effort possible, to only focus on what you want and what makes you feel good.
When you want something to desperately, you’re signalling to the universe, that you’re coming from a place of lack, not having or scarcity, and this will become the dominant thoughts and feelings that you will be projecting, and your experience, is a reflection of your inner thoughts, beliefs and feelings.
To become successful at manifesting and cosmic ordering, you have to love yourself and love the life that you already have, and start to show more appreciation, for the life and things that you do have, no matter how little or small.
Most people are too busy, moaning and complaining or they are too busy focusing on the fact they hate or have no job and no money, poor health, bad or no relationship, instead of being thankful for the things they do have.
Positive thinking
Perhaps you have already given cosmic ordering or the law of attraction a go, maybe you have followed all the advice of having a vision board and you may have already done endlessly visualization.
To start with, it is important to think positive, but it has to be natural and not forced, this means you have to build up the positive momentum and slip positive statements into your everyday thinking.
This means to start off it is far better to focus on doing the ground work and making a general effort to feel good and just concentrate on general and good feeling thoughts rather than just diving straight in and telling yourself affirmations like I am rich and successful.
Because saying your affirmations without positive emotion or real conviction is a waste of time and unless you really believe in what you’re telling yourself without any resistance affirmations are pointless.
That’s why it may help to begin with to focus on general things to get the positive momentum going like,
- All is well
- Things will get better
- The best is still to come
- Things are getting better
- It’s great to know I am the creator of my own destiny
- Everything is going to turn out alright
- Life is good
- I am doing fine
- Things always work out for me
- There are plenty of opportunities available to me
- I can have it all
- There is plenty more money coming my way
- I am making progress
- I am heading in the right direction
Although positive thinking is important, it is the good feelings that you’re searching for, so try to be optimistic and keep a positive attitude, even when things aren’t going so well.
The hardest part of manifesting is the allowing, and getting yourself in the receiving mode. Most of us, our own worst enemies, and we allow our current situation and our past failures and disappointments, to spoil our futures.
The biggest hurdles most people come across are, is self doubting and allowing what is and what they’re observing to hold themselves in the negative energy of, it’s not happening or it’s not going to happen.
Sometimes people have become so desperate to have, what they deeply desire, that they end up coming from a place and energy of lack, not having or not happening, and that blocks off, all the things that they want from showing up in their experiences.
The ideally allowing state, is, the knowing with an absolute faith that what they want, will happen, before it has manifested.

You have to make it a way of life
Cosmic ordering or thinking positive is not a thing you do part time, you have to commit to it fully and you have to make it a way of life because you cannot afford to let negative thoughts and emotions to gather momentum otherwise you will spend all your time drawing what you want towards you, then you will push it away.
The better your life is generally the better the chances are of you fulfilling your dreams and desires. Manifesting is not all about your mind, you also want to feel at your peak best physically.
Learning to relax, getting adequate amounts of good restorative sleep and having a well balanced, varied and healthy diets is essential because you want to be at peace with yourself and you want to feel good physically.
To get the maximum results, you should aim to be in a state of inner peace, balance and harmony both physically and emotionally where you have reached a state of
- Complete faith
- Trust
- Your in the zone
- Your feeling grateful
- Positive expectation
- Knowing everything is going to turn out alright
The universe tunes into and responds to your feelings and wants, but this is a two way thing and it both applies to both positive emotions and the things you want and negative emotions and all the things you don’t want.
Complaining, moaning, doubting or getting annoyed about your lack of results or your current circumstances will not help you, neither does demanding or shouting at the universe to grant your wishes.
If you want to experience the things you want you have to be in a vibrational alignment to them before you can access them, this is why it is as equally important to focus on yourself as well as your desires.
Many of the advice available about cosmic ordering centers around the principals of
- Asking
- Believing
- Recieving
But although they are three important components of the formula they are a few missing vital elements. Two of the most important aspects of cosmic ordering are making sure your not resisting what you want and the second is feeling good before you manifest your desires.
To get from the wanting stage to the having you have to be in a state of knowing and a sense of a feeling of certainty. The knowing is a sense of feeling where you reach a point where you expect with absolute confidence and where you don’t have to keep questioning or doubting.
You have to be in a flow like state of where you allow things to happen freely and easily, most good things happen when your not even thinking about what you want and where you have reached the stage of complete trust and certainty.
The universe works on energy, frequencies and vibrations and to tap into your true potential, information and creativity you have to first be in the right emotional place which is in the positive energy range.
Negative emotions such as fear, worry, hate, desperation and frustration are some of the lower frequencies that will block your true potential and creativity.
The most potent frequency and energy is that of love and when you love yourself, your life, you learn to love more and hate less and you consistently vibrate at love or above then you will be at your peak best and your most powerfulest.
Cosmic ordering is a skill
Cosmic ordering or manifesting is a skill and like all skills it will need developing and practice. For most of us our old beliefs and teaching has gone against the natural laws of manifesting.
It can be very hard to change your pre-conditioned mindset and perceptions, there is no guarantee you will become the next millionaire, but you even have less chance if you do nothing.
All you need to do is discover how to begin cosmic ordering. Noel Edmonds – host and creator of the worldwide TV franchise “Deal or No Deal” – claims that Cosmic Ordering is the single secret behind his new-found fame and fortune.
And he’s just one of the many celebrities putting his name behind the power of Cosmic Ordering.
So, if you like to learn more? And you would like to get the full low down and discover the most powerfulest comic ordering information and the most advanced cosmic ordering secrets.
Then you will benefit from checking out the official advanced cosmic ordering website because it will be a big shame if you missed out on all the good things that are rightfully yours.
If you want to know more about Cosmic Ordering Secrets, why not check the official website: http://tinyurl.com/hbdpy53
Love and light!