20 Strangers Were Asked To Kiss On Camera – The Results Are Beautiful
As an experiment, 20 strangers who had never met before were asked to kiss each other for the first time on camera. What happened reveals a lot about human interaction and the nature of...
3 Signs You Reincarnated Into This Life
Reincarnation is spoken of a lot as something that is a possible outcome for us when our physical bodies die. But rarely do we look at our current lives and wonder in we are...
Create Your Reality In These 3 Steps
Let us briefly touch the process that you have been partaking in for eons – consciously or subconsciously. YOU create your reality, and this has been demonstrated in innumerable ways, scientifically and for me personally;...
3 Reasons Why We Need “Darkness” To Evolve
Before we fully immerse ourselves within this perception let’s understand one thing: “fear”-mongering is a myth. You will understand this as I explain, but that theme I would like to emphasize throughout this article....
What Spending Too Much Time Sitting On The Computer Is Doing To Your Health
According to research published in 2016, 87% of Americans use the internet. We all know what it is like to spend long hours at a computer, either for leisure or work purposes. In fact,...
3 Main Signs That You Are Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening
As you go through your journey of awakening, many things about you and your life start to change. There are many articles out there titled “20 symptoms of spiritual awakening” and they touch on...
3 Best Spiritually Awakening Jim Carrey Videos
Many celebrities have begun to use their fame and fortune to serve humanity, but a special group of them has focused primarily on spiritual awakening and consciousness.
Arguably one of the funniest men to ever...
5 Things Only Old Souls Will Understand
The point of this article is not to try to exclude certain groups of people from one another or appeal to a certain type of audience. The point of this article to provide comfort...
Shia LaBeouf Gives The Weirdest & Most Intense Motivational Speech
If you’re waiting for something to wake you up and inspire you to pursue your dreams, look no further. This is one of the funniest, weirdest, and most powerful motivational speeches you will ever...
3 Ways To Deal With Someone With A Big Ego
If you are a human being, chances are you are guilty of having a big ego at times in your life. For some people, it is this defense system that comes and goes with...
Why Fighting In Relationships Is Actually Healthy
We all want to have happy, healthy relationships with people we care about. But it seems that we have fallen under a false belief thanks to media and culture that fighting in relationships is...
14 Of The Best Ghost And Spirit Photobombs Ever Taken
Almost all of us have seen family pictures where there may be a halo, aura or even an image of a person. The quality of the ‘energy‘ in the photo may vary but we’ve...
Man Awakens After 12 Years in a ‘Vegetative State’, Says “I Was Aware Of...
The story was originally featured on Life News|
Martin Pistorious was just 12 years old when the doctors diagnosed him with what they believed was Cryptococci Meningitis, a sever fungal infection of the brain. This news completely devastated...
The Best Spiritual Jokes and Puns
“A day without laughter is a day wasted” – Charlie Chaplin. There is nothing like a good laugh, and what could be better than jokes about spirituality? Osho once said, life as such has...
Video: This Is What An Indigo Child Looks Like In Action
What is the meaning of life? This young boy may have the answers. Truly wise beyond his years.
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5 Ways to Create a Better Day-to-Day Reality for Yourself
Author Brooke Alexandra: We all pray for simple ways to make our quality of life better, and in reality, it’s an inside job. We have to do the work ourselves and the more we incorporate...
5 Rules For Being Human
Being human is not always easy. We have to pretend we are interested in things we are not for the sake of social convention. There is a socially acceptable way to eat, speak, and...
Study Finds Marijuana Increases Your IQ
Originally seen on Cannabis Culture| A study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, examined whether marijuana lowered intelligence levels in users. The study was largely ignored by US media, while within Canada, the results seemed to...
The Relation Between Long Hair And Extrasensory Perception
We are conditioned to think that cutting our hair regularly is important, and that it serves no other purpose outside of aesthestics. But in olden times it was a different story. An interesting find...
This Guys Digitally Recreates His Dreams
Every morning after waking up, one reddit user tries to digitally recreate the dream he had the night before. Here are some of his favorites:
See more at Truth Seeker Daily
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