3 Types of Negative People You Definitely Need to Ignore and Run From.
According to research, people you associate with determinate 95% of your success or failure in life. This is a simple fact of life that some people hold us back while others propel us forward.
4 Types Of Fears That Become Disorders
We all know that during our evolution fear was not always a bad thing, as it warns us when something was getting dangerous, it is our inherent alarm system.
Fears are normal feelings in our...
The Greatest Speech Ever Made
This is Charlie Chaplin’s final speech in The Great Dictator, and is inarguably the greatest speech ever given. Please consider these dear words and their relevance to our current state of affairs.
We all want...
Why is Number 8 the Pattern of Creation?
In the beginning there was the Big Bang, the primordial OM. No one knows exactly how and why it happened, but we can all agree that the beginning of creation was an important thing...
Why do you desire? Conditioning in Society
Have you ever wondered why you desire the things you desire?
Well, if you've lived on planet earth for just about any amount of time, you've probably decided that you want to acquire certain things...
How To End A Fake Relationship
We have all seen fake relationships before. Whether on television or in real life, we all know the basic characteristics of a fake relationship. They come and go like the wind.
We can almost smell...
Why I Hate School, But Love Education
As someone who is currently in university as a philosophy student, I can honestly say I love what I am doing in school. The class discussions are intimate and insightful, the professors are wise...
Can You be Born Without a Soul?
Understanding what a Soul is, it’s one of the most essential and fundamental tasks on a spiritual path.
The Soul is the true nature of who you really are, the immaterial essence and the energy...
CONSCIOUSNESS: My Reality Part.1
This is part of my life story; I will go into as many details as possible but most importantly I want to talk about more of my own realization of consciousness and what I...
The Story of the Chinese Farmer – Great Life Lesson we ALL need to...
The story is relatively short in its essence with a very powerful message. It’s not about the quantity, it’s about the quality of it.
Once upon a time, there a Chinese Farmer, who lost a...
How to Win the Game of Life
The title could also be called “How to evolve the quality of your Consciousness,” but we decided to go with How to win the game of life, as we consider our life...
Is Your Future Already Destined?
What role does destiny play in your success?
Is it all random? Is it all hard work? What is it?
What is destiny exactly? More importantly, Your Destiny.
Destiny is something we do not have control over,...
15 Miracles that Already Happened to You
Everything that is happening and will happen is due to the fact that you took the road chosen for you, and decided to make things work in your favor. Your reality and beliefs are...
Highly Intuitive People do These 5 things Differently than all the rest of us.
“Even when we’re not at a fork in the road, wondering what to do and trying to hear that inner voice, our intuition is always there, always reading the situation, always trying to steer...
The Most Astounding Fact – Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson was asked by a reader of TIME magazine, “What is the most astounding fact you can share with us about the Universe?” This is his answer.
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‘Youthquake’ is the Word of the Year 2017 – Oxford Dictionaries
"Youthquake" has just been crowned as WORD OF THE YEAR 2017 by the renowned Oxford Dictionaries.
The blend between "youth" and "earthquake" generated the noun translated into: "a significant cultural, political, or social change arising...
7 Quick Theories on Life After Death
We all believe in something. Regardless of what we believe in other people will always have a different belief than ours. As we’ve stated many times before.
Your Life, you are the sum of your...
How To Find The Woman Of Your Dreams
Warning: This article will not contain pick-up lines. It will not tell you what to wear. It will not tell you who to be friends with or what car to drive. It will tell you...
7 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do
Anyone can become mentally strong, it just depends on the person, also don’t judge the book by its cover, some very interesting people I've met were strong-willed, mentally strong and I wouldn’t have guessed...
The Importance of Saying “Sorry”
The three-letter poisonous word which becomes such a challenge to cooperation in any relationship is the big "EGO," and what a colossal Ego we have.
All relationships have problems, all friendships are not perfect, and...