
On the shore of the river in the darkest of nights, gazing at the yellow glow that outshines the moonlight, flickering above the stream of water by the bridge, I tell myself that this is the way to live, sitting and talking to a very dear friend, I feel my… Continue reading

Criminology Case Study: Enron

Criminology: Rational Choice Theory Sociology: General Strain Theory & Social Disorganization Theory Criminology Case Study: Enron Corporation Criminology Theories: Rational Choice Theory Sociological Theories: Social Disorganization Theory and General Strain Theory Criminology Case Study: Enron Corporation Criminology Theory: Rational Choice Theory Sociological Theories: Social Disorganization Theory and General Strain Theory… Continue reading

The Madness of Society II

According to the science of psychology, in the Western Society known as the United States of America, Homosexuality was medically diagnosed as an mental illness until 1973 by the American Psychiatric Association. Before this time, Homosexuality was considered in the same psychopathology of sex and crime in the Medicine and… Continue reading

The Madness of Society

The life of an individual who has a mental illness starkly contrasts and differs greatly than that of an individual who was born with an able body and mind. In this presentation I will be covering a variety of a mental and chronic illnesses that individuals afflicted by these disabilities… Continue reading

The Power Elite

Introduction The Power Elite is comprised of the dominant individuals in a society who dominate positions from the dominant institutions of the corporations, military, and the political entities of society. From the giant 200 to 300 corporations which institute and control the global economy. A strong federal political order that… Continue reading

Zenarchism: Philosophy of Quantum Chaos

Five Parts: 1. Life. The Absurdity of Existence. 2. Negotiation. We Don’t Negotiate With Nihilism, We Reason With It. 3. Evidence for God. The Paradox that is Nihilism. 4. Knowledge. Consciousness is Nature’s Nightmare. 5. Ethics. Code of Ethics and Honor. Disclaimer: I am a proud know-nothing-at-all who would tell… Continue reading

Complacency is Insanity

Aaron R. Ziegler & Scott McNinch People often say that ignorance is bliss, and knowledge is power. This notion seems to be perpetuated through internet memes and philosophical rhetoric, oftentimes by the same people who repudiate biblical literature. Irony much? Ignorance does not unequivocally equate to some form of universal… Continue reading

I Feel Therefore I Am

You want to know what Love really is? Love is caring about someone despite their quirks, their eccentricities, their moments, their faults. Love is caring about someone despite the little things that get under your skin. Love is not the condition in which you care about someone because of their… Continue reading

Quantum Flux

Here comes a apocalypse. Time for a revelation. That if the world is to collapse. I have this declaration. Where this world ends. A new world will begin. Such is the cycle of our cosmic system. Beyond salvation and damnation is a world of liberation. This message, I bestow unto… Continue reading