
The Chakras are energy points found within the all of us. Today in modern day science we are just beginning to understand their relevance to our body’s health. These energy points correspond to major organs and glands within the human body. By taking control over these chakras through numerous different methods, we can achieve a homeostasis of the mind, body and spirit creating balance in everyday life. When performing chakra meditation, one must always start at the base. Just as a tree grows from the ground and up, so must we.
~~1st – I AM – Root Chakra – Red ~ It is located at the bottom of your spine and has ruby red color. It spins like a fan and is your place of survival, safety, and connection to earth. Your root chakra is your foundation and it helps you to be grounded and to feel safe. This chakra rules the lowest vibration of our body and has the slowest wavelength.
There are four spokes, or petals. Four is the number of the square and foundations. The square is related to being honest, or giving a “square deal, the four energies of earth–earth, air, fire, and water, and the four directions. Four walls, four legs, or four wheels represent a strong foundation. We must have a solid foundation to grow in a physical world.
***NOTE & MANTRA: The note for this chakra is C and the mantra is “lam” or “e” as in red. Chanting these mantras in the key of D while focusing our attention on this area of our body can enable us to more consciously access the first chakra.

~~2nd – I FEEL – Sacral Chakra – Orange ~ It is located a few inches below the belly button and is the place of your emotions, feelings, needs and sexuality. This chakra represents responsibility and nurturing for family and community as well as finding balance and harmony with our environment. Like the first chakra, the second chakra governs survival, but from the perspective of the feminine polarity.
The first chakra governs the fight for survival, whereas the second chakra rules the instincts for survival. This chakra has six petals or spokes. In numerology, six is the number that represents responsibility and nurturing for family and community as well as finding balance and harmony with our environment.
***NOTE & MANTRA: The note for this chakra is D and the mantra is “vam” or “o” as in home
~~3rd – I DO – Solar Plexus – Yellow~~ There are ten petals in the third chakra which, when spinning, may appear like a vortex. In numerology, the number 10 is reduced to the number 1. Number one symbolizes the beginning, as “In the beginning there was the word,” and every word begins with a thought. Even if it is unconscious, thought precedes communication. The third chakra also represents our communication with the fourth dimensional astral world, which is too often unconscious.
This chakra is the “power chakra.” It governs our sense of self, the power that that we have within and over our destinies, the power that we have over others, and the power that others have over us. If a person is too yin, female energy, then he or she may feel powerless. On the other hand, if a person is too yang, male energy, then he or she may have a tendency to be aggressive or greedy. The third chakra, which relates to the liver, gall bladder, stomach, spleen, and pancreas, regulates how centered we feel during the day in relation to our mental facilities and our ability to be self-motivated. The projections of our ego and our vital energies are both influenced by this chakra because it rules how well we can maintain our sense of Self when in a power struggle with another.
The battle between egos is difficult to win if we are children and our opponent is our parent. Therefore, this chakra holds the secrets of the many power struggles that we fought and lost with our parents, and other authority figures, as a child. The third chakra is known as the gateway into the Astral Plane of the fourth dimension. It therefore rules our astral emotions. However, these emotions are very different than physical emotions that are felt through our second chakra. Our second chakra rules emotions of a survival, instinctual type; whereas, the emotions of the third chakra are intertwined with our thought process.
***NOTE AND MANTRA: The note for this chakra is D and the mantra is “ram” or “aum”.
~~4th – I LOVE – Heart Chakra – Green~~ This chakra rules the first of the higher vibrations. There are twelve spokes or petals. Twelve in numerology reduces to the number three. Three is the number which represents the relationship between Wisdom, Power and Love. It is this balance that is a primary focus of the Heart Chakra.
Wisdom without Love and Power would be cruel and weak. Power without Wisdom and Love would be dangerous and selfish, and Love without Power and Wisdom would be victimized and foolish. In our hearts we must learn how to find and join all three of these virtues.The Heart Chakra is the hub of our bodies, the center point where our internal masculine and feminine and our human and divine energies meet. The fourth chakra rules ALL of our intra- and inter-personal relationships.
This chakra rules our perception of love, our ability to give and receive love from others, our highest essence, and ourselves. Our High Heart rules Unconditional Love and the lower Heart rules human love. It also governs compassion, healing, lungs, breath, and our sense of time, which is tied into the rhythmic cycles of our breath and heart beat.
***NOTES AND MANTRA: The note for this chakra is F# and the mantra is “Yam” or “a” as in ah. Chanting theses mantras in the key of F# while focusing our attention on this area of our body can enable us to more consciously access the Heart Chakra.
~~5th – I SPEAK – Throat Chakra – Blue~~ This chakra rules creativity and is the first chakra where we can become in touch with higher beings. The Throat Chakra has sixteen petals. In numerology, a number 16 reduces to a 7. Seven is the number of analysis, understanding, knowledge, awareness and meditating.
The number 7 directs an inner focus that is vital for creativity to germinate and to communicate our deepest, honest self with others and with higher beings. The challenge of the number 7 lies in the difficulties brought on by discomfort with our inner feelings which cannot be expressed.
The number 7 urges us to go inside and join our thoughts and emotions to find a creative expression.The Throat Chakra rules speech, hearing, communication, self-expression, grace and listening to the Higher Self. This chakra urges us to find our “self”, communicate it through our creativity, and use the creative force of our higher emotions to move our consciousness into the higher dimensions.
***NOTES AND MANTRA: The note for the fifth chakra is G# and the mantra is “ham” or “u” as in blue.
~~6th – I SEE – Third Eye Chakra – Purple~~ The location of the sixth chakra, also known as the Brow Chakra, is between the eyes in the center of the forehead. There are ninety-six petals in this chakra. These turning petals accelerate into a swirling vortex when the Third Eye is opened. The sixth chakra rules our intuition and imagination and is associated with the parts of our consciousness concerned with a spiritual view of life.
This chakra is sometimes known as the Home of Spirit or Seat of Soul, as it has the ability to inform us of the motivation behind actions. Through the sixth chakra we can observe the outer theater of life from an inner point of view. Inner vision is also ruled by this chakra.
Through meditation upon our brow chakra, we can gain great inspiration and the vision of our purpose and destiny. This brow chakra rules our sleeping dreams.
There are three kinds of dreams:
(1) Our unconscious dreams, which bring old issues up from our subconscious so that we can gain a clearer understanding of how we really feel instead of how we “should” feel. We can perceive these dreams as nightmares or as opportunities to be conscious of our own darkness so that it can be healed and released.
(2) Our conscious dreams, which are often dress rehearsals for what we are doing or trying to do in our waking life. After having these dreams we may feel tired, as if we have been working all night, and in a sense, we have been.
(3) Our superconscious dreams, which allow us to have actual waking journeys through the inner planes. It is important to write out these dreams and integrate them into our everyday lives for they are actual, spiritual guidance.
Even if a dream is not remembered, it still releases psychic tension. Research has show that people who have received adequate sleep, yet have been deprived of dreaming, become disoriented and psychologically disturbed. It is even more beneficial if we learn to remember our important dreams, because they give us important information about our SELF.
There are two effective ways to remember our dreams. One, we tell ourselves upon falling asleep, “I will remember my dreams”. Two, before we open our eyes in the morning, we tell ourselves what our dream was. This activity transfers the dreams from our imaginative right brain to the language areas of our left brain. Then we can often remember the dream long enough to write it down. Some dreams are not difficult to remember and, in fact, haunt us until we process them until we fully understand their meaning.
***NOTES AND MANTRA: The note for this chakra is high A, and the mantra is “aum”, “om”, or “mmm”. The mantra “om” is used by many traditions to achieve theta wave consciousness.
~~7th- I UNDERSTAND – Crown Chakra – White~~ The location of the seventh chakra, also known as the crown chakra, is at the crown of the head, the location of our “soft spot” as an infant. The crown chakra is known as the Thousand Petal Lotus. When it is clear and open, it is our own personal Stargate, or vortex, into the higher dimensions.
The crown chakra rules the cerebrum, top of head, entire brain, and nervous system. It is also said to rule the right eye. In Egyptian mythology, the opened Third Eye is called the Eye of Horus. The physical left eye rules the Moon and the feminine, manifest physical world, and the right eye rules the masculine, unmanifest spiritual world. Therefore, the Right Eye of Horus brings the Spirit down into matter and then feeds that Spirit into the Left Eye of Horus. In this manner, the Third Eye remains open, grounded in the physical world, and fully perceptive.
The more we “download” our higher dimensional powers into our physical body, the more it is essential that we are centered and grounded. If we plug in a small fan we do not need a third prong. However, if we are plugging in a powerful air conditioner we must have that third, grounding, prong or we can burn out the electrical system of our house. It is the same with our Soul’s house—our physical earth vessels—we must remain grounded or we can burn out the electrical system (the nervous system) of our physical body.
The crown chakra rules, not only our brain’s control of our entire nervous system, but also our Higher Self’s control of our entire physical incarnation. Once our crown chakra is open, we can become aware of our true “brain” (control mechanism) that exists beyond the limitations of the third and fourth dimensions. Our ability to perceive our physical life from that higher perspective allows us to gain access to our multidimensional consciousness. While in that multidimensional state, we have the ability to see the myriad forms of our existence in the many different planes and realities.
The crown chakra governs Cosmic Consciousness that is our connection to spiritual wisdom, aspirations, and knowledge of the Truth. From this perspective, we see ourselves as a spark of consciousness creating all and, paradoxically, “Being” ALL. From our Cosmic Consciousness, we are the dreamer dreaming a dream and realizing that all that is perceived is an extension of our SELF.
Just as the root chakra represents our connection to Divine Mother or Mother Earth, the crown chakra represents our relations with our Divine Father or Father Sky. Father Sky and Mother Earth join together, Spirit into Matter, to create their Child of Love—consciousness in a physical form. Mother Earth in our first chakra grounds our power and sends it up from the earth to join Father Sky in our seventh chakra. This rising Kundalini connects us with the energy that comes from the higher dimensions while it gives us the power, and responsibility, to, in turn, ground that energy in the physical plane.
Our relationship with our mothers is associated with our first chakra. If our bonding with our mother was not sufficient for our needs, we often feel cut off from our roots, and from our very physical life, and our attitudes toward home, security, and money are negatively influenced. Conversely, our relationship with our human fathers is associated with our seventh chakra. Since the crown chakra represents our unity with all life, we feel a sense of isolation from “God” and humanity if our bonding with our father is insufficient.
***NOTES AND MANTRA: The musical note for this chakra is B and the Mantra is “aum” or “ee” as in bee.