4 Ways You Can Live Longer (Or Forever)3 min read


I am. Those are two of the most powerful words we can speak. Someday, though, each and every one of us won’t be on earth to speak those words in reference to the organic skin that is dangling on our bones right now. This is nothing to be sad about but it is important to think about.

These days longevity is all the rage. From human growth hormones, to plastic surgery, to nootropics people are investing in a longer life-span that goes deeper than simply eating raw foods and working out. Some of these scientific advancements really work, allowing us to perform optimally at an old age. With that said, here are 4 ways you can live longer at an advanced state, or even forever:

Potential Scientific Advancements

certain species of jellyfish has been called “immortal” by scientists who have observed its ability to, when in crisis, revert its cells to their earliest form and grow anew. That means that these tiny creatures, 4 mm to 5 mm long, potentially have infinite lives. The creature, known scientifically as Turritopsis nutricula, was discovered in the Mediterranean Sea in 1883, but its unique regeneration was not known until the mid-1990s.

If a mature Turritopsis is threatened — injured or starving, for example — it attaches itself to a surface in warm ocean waters and converts into a blob. From that state, its cells undergo transdifferentiation, in which the cells essentially transform into different types of cells. Muscle cells can become sperm or eggs, or nerve cells can change into muscle cells, “revealing a transformation potential unparalleled in the animal kingdom,” according to the original study of the species published in 1996.

369 Manifestation Code

There are scientist trying to figure out how to apply this awesomeness to aging and injured humans. While nothing crazy is in the works at the moment, my money is on science to whip something up that greatly increases longevity. Maybe not in our lives but relatively soon.

Head-To-Body Transplant

Did you know that full body transplants have already occurred? Well, they have with some of our unfortunate primates friends. No matter your views on animal testing, it is leading to a real probability that full body transplants will be happening soon.

Just imagine if Stephen Hawking was given a new body at the age of 70, walking the halls of whatever University he’d be speaking to. It is and inspiring thought to think. He has already defeated death in many ways after being diagnosed with ALS at 21. He was expected to die at 25. Still, a new body for those who are debilitated in some facet is extraordinary to consider. Better yet, if you die, your body being used for somebody else. Organ transplants is a modern concept. Body transplants are already a probability in the near future.

The Singularity

The trend towards transhumanism is undeniable. One may claim they are against it but it’s hard to find a person in the Western world not addicted to a digital device in one form or another. Ray kurzweil is the leading spokesman and predicts that by around 2030, humans will have reverse engineered the brain. This include thoughts and emotions. The union of human and machine may not lead to happiness and nirvana but as far as longevity of life: certainly.

 The Simple Science Of Today

There are a number of companies throwing products around for capitalistic gains. Some of the products help increase physical and mental strength, while others not-so-much. Generally speaking, eating raw, easy-to-digest foods that are rich in vitamins and nutrients  is the best way to go. Finding hobbies that keep the mind sharp and body in-shape and flexible is also important. These are old-school methods to live longer and they work. In the 1700’s people were not living much past 40. Life was tough. These days, getting on a bicycle, eating fruits and vegetables may be all one needs to live long enough for technology to allow one to live forever.

I am soon to be immortal. For better or worse.

Article By Jesse Herman of Powerful Primates.

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