Boyan Slat is a an inspiring young man on a big mission, to remove all plastic from the ocean, and he has no plans of slowing down until his mission is complete.
No, he’s not some superhuman 20-year-old wunderkind who magically found a potential fix to a major Global Crisis. He’s simply a shining example of personal dedication, conservation of resources, hard-work and trial and error.
Slat says, “But that’s what science is really, it’s a work in progress.”
Here’s a new interview by MOTHERBOARD that really gives an inside glimpse to his mission and how they plan on removing all plastic from the Ocean:
This is a major problem, as the Pacific Ocean is considered the World’s largest landfill. The amount of garbage covering the surface of the Pacific ocean is larger than the State of Texas. Worse yet, most of the garbage is dispersed and micro-plastics are floating everywhere, polluting the water, poisoning the fish and toxifying our precious planet.

Recently, Slat launched a crowdfunding campaign behind his Ocean Cleanup Project. The IndieGogo Campaign hit its goal after his TED Talk about his innovation went viral, earning over $80,000. Proof the World cares about its Oceans.
However, more is needed and recently they raised over $2-Million. “With two million dollars we can make a theoretical concept come true,” Slat said.
With just two days left in his campaign, Slat successfully collected the funding for his project, bringing him one step closer to realizing a vision of plastic-free oceans.
Here are the primary locations on the planet where plastic gathers in what’s called “gyres.” In these gyres there is on average six times more plastic than zooplankton by dry weight, which is rather horrifying.
With Millions of Tons of Plastic to clean-up, Slat truly has his work ahead of him, but his efforts are amazing and his dedication is a path to true remediation of this issue.
Here’s the original & engaging TED Talk
To donate to this very unique & urgent cause, visit: The Ocean Clean-Up Project Donate
Let’s work together to create clean oceans and a healthy planet for everyone! Our future depends on the actions we take today to make a better tomorrow.